Definição de conceito e criação de identidade visual para as redes sociais da Pizzalize. Com inspiração na estética vaporwave, mas seguindo a cartela de cores da própria marca, foi mantida uma linguagem mais descolada ~ que já faz parte do DNA da pizzaria ~ fazendo uma mescla, através de colagem digital, dos seus produtos com outras imagens.
Concept definition and visual identity creation for Pizzalize's social networks. Inspired by the vaporwave aesthetic, but following the brand's own color chart, a more cool language was maintained - which is already part of the pizzeria's DNA - making a mix, through digital collage, of its products with other images.
Concept definition and visual identity creation for Pizzalize's social networks. Inspired by the vaporwave aesthetic, but following the brand's own color chart, a more cool language was maintained - which is already part of the pizzeria's DNA - making a mix, through digital collage, of its products with other images.